Upskilling Project Managers From Conventional to Net-Zero Project Management Practices


As the world is becoming more conscious of the environmental impact of our actions, companies are starting to shift towards more sustainable practices. One area that has seen a lot of attention in recent years is net-zero project management. Net-zero project management is a process of designing and implementing projects with the goal of achieving zero net carbon emissions. This means that a project should not emit more greenhouse gases than it removes from the atmosphere.

To achieve net-zero, project managers need to embrace new tools and techniques that were not traditionally part of their skill set. This can be a challenge for many project managers who are used to more conventional project management practices. However, upskilling project managers from conventional to net-zero project management practices will be critical if companies want to achieve their environmental targets.

Why Upskilling Is Necessary

The reason why upskilling project managers is necessary is that achieving net-zero carbon emissions requires a different approach to project management. Traditional project management focuses on delivering projects on time, within budget, and to specification. While this is still important, net-zero project management requires project managers to consider the environmental impact of their projects.

Project managers need to understand how their projects affect the environment and identify ways to minimize this impact. This requires an understanding of sustainable design principles, and the ability to work with stakeholders to make sure that sustainability is considered throughout the project lifecycle.

Another reason why upskilling project managers is necessary is that net-zero project management requires the use of new technologies and tools. For example, building information modeling (BIM) tools can be used to design buildings that have a lower environmental impact. Similarly, project managers need to understand the use of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, and how to design projects that incorporate these technologies.

Overall, upskilling project managers is necessary because it will enable them to manage net-zero projects more effectively. This will help companies achieve their environmental targets and contribute to a more sustainable future.

How to Upskill Project Managers for Net-Zero Project Management Practices

So, what are some of the ways in which project managers can be upskilled for net-zero project management practices? Here are a few ideas:

1. Training Courses

One of the most effective ways to upskill project managers is through training courses. These courses can be customized to the needs of the organization and cover topics such as sustainability, renewable energy, and sustainable design principles. Training courses can be delivered in person or online, making them a flexible and cost-effective option.

2. Mentoring

Another way to upskill project managers is through mentoring. Experienced project managers who have expertise in net-zero project management can mentor less experienced project managers. This can be done on a one-to-one basis or through group mentoring sessions. Mentoring can be an effective way to transfer knowledge and skills and help project managers apply them in their work.

3. Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning is another option for upskilling project managers. This involves bringing together project managers from different parts of the organization to share knowledge and expertise. Collaborative learning can be done through workshops, seminars, or online communities. This can help project managers to learn from each other and apply best practices in their work.

4. Certification

Certification is another way to upskill project managers. For example, the International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP) offers a Sustainability Associate (ISSP-SA) certification. This certification covers topics such as sustainability principles, renewable energy, and sustainable design. Certification can provide project managers with recognition for their skills and knowledge and help them to stand out in the job market.


In conclusion, upskilling project managers from conventional to net-zero project management practices is essential if companies want to achieve their environmental targets. Project managers need to understand how their projects affect the environment and identify ways to minimize this impact. They also need to be familiar with new technologies and tools that are used in net-zero project management. Training courses, mentoring, collaborative learning, and certification are all effective ways to upskill project managers for net-zero project management practices.

Companies need to invest in upskilling their project managers if they want to achieve their environmental targets. By doing so, they can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, and contribute to a more sustainable future.


1. International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP). (n.d.). Sustainability Associate (ISSP-SA).

2. WSP Global Inc. (2020). Net-Zero Project Management.



Emmanuel Ndubuka, BEng, MSc, CMC, FIMC

Certified Management Consultant (CMC), Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants (FIMC-ICMC), Project Manager, Research Analyst and Business Dev. Mgr.